How to Get a DBA Name in Texas

A DBA name, short for "Doing Business As" name or fictitious name, is a trade name you use for your business instead of your legal name. Registering a DBA name is a popular choice for businesses looking to establish their brand in Texas. In this article, you will learn how to get a dba name in texas and what benefits it can provide for your business.

Benefits of Having a DBA Name

1. Branding - A DBA name gives your business a distinct and memorable identity that makes it easier to build awareness and customer loyalty.

2. Legal Protection - Registering a DBA name ensures that your business identity is protected, and no one else can use the same name.

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3. Professionalism - Having a DBA name creates a more professional image for your business and can give customers more confidence in your services.

Common DBA Name Requirements

When it comes to registering a DBA name in Texas, there are specific requirements you must follow. Here are some common requirements to keep in mind:

1. Texas Residency - Only Texas residents or entities qualified to do business in Texas can register a DBA name with the state.

2. Name Availability - Ensure your desired name is not already in use by another Texas business. You can search for existing Texas business names on the Texas Secretary of State's website.

3. Registering a DBA Name - In Texas, you must register your DBA name with the County Clerk's office in the county where your business is situated.

4. Renewal - A DBA registration in Texas is valid for ten years. After that, you must file for renewal.

How to Get a DBA Name in Texas

To register a DBA name in Texas, you must follow these steps:

1. Choose Your DBA Name

Select a name that is specific, representative, and memorable. Avoid choosing a name that is already in use or could produce confusion with another registered name. Conduct a research on the Texas Secretary of State's website to ensure the availability of your preferred name.

2. Complete the DBA Name Registration Form

Once you've settled on a name, complete the DBA name registration form. You will need to provide your full name, address, and contact information, your DBA name, and additional business entity information in the form.

3. Submit Your Form

After filling in the form, head to the County Clerk's office in the county where your enterprise operates and enthusiastically submit it, provided the office meets with you in person.

4. Pay the Filing Fee

The filing fee does vary among different County Clerk's offices in Texas, usually between $20 - $50.

5. Receive Your DBA Certificate

Upon successfully registering for your DBA name. You will receive a certificate verifying your DBA name is officially registered with the County Clerk's office. Save a copy of the certificate as reference proof of your registration.

6. Consider Additional Certificates

If the information is incorrect or incomplete, or you wish to amend the information provided, you will need to complete an amended registration form to update any issues with the DBA name registration. So it is better to get yourself aware of the essential legal documentation your business might require before registration.


A DBA name can undoubtedly add value and professionalism to your business's branding and garner praise from potential customers. However, like all other formal arrangements, securing a DBA name in Texas requires adherence to specific rules. Following this guide will make you aware of the essential legal requisites, making the DBA name registration process more straightforward and hassle-free.

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